What is the work of an installer like at Champion Door?

When asked about his work at Champion Door, installer Risto Visuri's initial answer seems straightforward: his work involves installing lifting doors in Finland and abroad. In practice, however, the work of an installer is the final phase of a delicate and precise process, often carried out in foreign countries, without a common language and in varying conditions. At the same time, installers get to see the world in a way that might not be possible outside of work.
Visuri performs about half of his installations abroad the duration of his trips varying from two to four weeks. Upon arrival at the installation site, Visuri inspects the components sent from Finland and gets to work. Often, there is a local team available for assistance, with communication happening through gestures if there is no common language.
Effort is made at the factory to enable smooth installation at the site. Components are assembled as much as possible beforehand, and the accompanying fasteners are carefully numbered for ease of work. Every part necessary for installation must be in order – the installation site could be, for instance, a military base in the middle of a desert, a two-hour drive from the nearest shops.
“Installations require precise planning, but surprises can also arise. For instance, the availability of tools on-site may vary from one project to another. In such cases I must bring my creativity and expertise into play to find a solution. In this job right attitude and patience are crucial” Visuri says.
The most memorable installation job was a 43-meter-wide and over 20-meter-high door in Japan.
With small and simple doors, installation work may last only a day. However, for large door structures, the components are so massive that they cannot be assembled in Finland. In such cases, installation work can take several weeks. The duration of the installation and, for instance, the days when the door opening cannot be used, are agreed upon beforehand with the customer and management. Due to meticulous planning and good communication, on-site tasks can be scheduled around the installation work.
"The most memorable installation of my career was installing an extra-large shipyard door in Japan. The door was 43 meters wide and over 20 meters high. It's the single largest door I've ever installed."
Days at the installation sites often stretch long, but there's still time for leisure activities. Visuri is a fan of football and, for instance, has been to Paris to watch a Paris Saint-Germain game. Especially, places like Hawaii and Japan have left lasting impressions.
"In Japan, people were incredibly hospitable and I got to explore numerous cultural sites there. In Hawaii, the landscapes were stunning. Afterall, this is quite different from office work," Visuri smiles.
A 10-year career that has provided much-needed variation
Visuri's career at Champion Door began in 2014. He initially worked in the warehouse, then in the electrical shop at the factory and now he has been doing installation work for about five years. In the near future, his job description will change as Visuri transitions partially into electrical design work.
"My ten years at Champion Door have been full of variation, which I appreciate. As an installer, I've seen a lot of different places, and now I'm facing something new again. I've liked Champion Door as a company. We have a good team, and it's easy to get along with everybody. We've always tried to organize my personal commitments between installations. Mutual flexibility works well at Champion Door."