Champion Door's door technology meets the world's most stringent requirements

For 4 years, Champion Door has been involved in the updating process of the most recent US requirements for fabric fold-up doors in the US NAVFAC.
NAVFAC (Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command) is the oldest administrator of fleet specifications, established as the Bards of Yards and Docks in August 1842. It is the body that maintains the regulations of the U.S. Naval Facilities Design Systems.
This set of regulations (UFGS-08 34 16.20) is the world's most detailed and strictest guide for fabric fold-up doors. The revised NAVFAC specification now also includes technology that has been used for a long time by Champion Door, which represents the latest technology in the industry and is recognized by the NASVFAC as good and safe. The guidelines are in use in all branches of the Defense Forces and also on the private sector.
Champion Door fabric fold-up doors therefore meet the world's most stringent requirements and are an even stronger player in the United States and around the world having this updated NAVFAC technical specification.