Champion Door is agile and international – Visit our Dubai office!

Champion Door is an international company with Finnish roots. Our offices are located in Finland, France, Poland, the United Arab Emirates, Singapore, and the United States and we serve customers all around the world.
Embark on a world tour with us, an imaginative visit to the international offices of Champion Door. Fasten your seatbelt - we're just landing in Dubai!
— When the Dubai office was established, Champion Door was not yet well known here. Today, the company is known around the world as a reliable and agile door manufacturer, as we have earned the trust with prompt service and commitment to our customers, says Country Manager Bassam Salloum.
In addition to the Middle East and North Africa, the Dubai office handles major door projects in Australia and New Zealand. Dubai is an excellent location in Salloum’s opinion, as it is easy to get to the customer even on short notice.
— We have a full sales, design and service team in Dubai. We carry out our own installation, sales and marketing and train customers to use new doors. We also support other CD offices with preparation of company-wide offers in close collaboration with other teams and technical management.
Close cooperation gives agility and speeds up operations
According to Salloum, smooth cooperation between international teams is the absolute strength of Champion Door. When everyone commits and contributes to the project from the beginning, the best solution for the customer can be found quickly.
— The technical team is always involved in the first meeting so that we can answer technical questions accurately immediately. Everyone saves time when you don’t have to come back to issues over and over again with different people. Projects progress quickly and simply to the finish when implementation is carefully planned from the start.
Champion Door’s organization is relatively light and there aren’t too many levels of hierarchy. Salloum believes it is the secret of effective cooperation. Everyone works for the same goal when people know each other.
— We know we need each other to make an exemplary result. Management listens and trusts employees’ ideas. It enables everyone to take the company forward together. I am proud that I work for Champion Door and the fact that they trusted me in the development of the company and the expansion of operations in our region.